Saturday 28 February 2015

Understanding the Mechanism of Noopept - Is It Better Than Other Nootropic Supplements

Noopept is more effective among the other Nootropic supplements. It improves learning capacity, memory, concentration and focus. It is used in certain countries for the treatment of serious cognitive diseases. People who have used it feel that it is better when compared to other nootropic supplements. Before you start using it, understand how it works and ensure it is suitable for you.

It is closely related to Aniracetam and Piracetam, though studies reveal that this is 1000 times better than both even when the dosage level taken is the same. Less dosage of Noopept is sufficient for experiencing all the benefits. Few complain that it is expensive. When considering the amount of dosage to be taken this is actually cost effective. 10g of Noopept costs almost similar as 500g of Piracetam. Hence, it actually saves money.

How does it work?

The reason Noopept is a powerful option is because both brain function and short-term focus is improved simultaneously. People who consume it have experienced better memory formation, better concentration levels, improved learning capabilities, slower rate of cell death, improved cell re-growth and improved information processing. Noopept increases NGF (Nerve growth factor) Communication between the left and right side of the brain is improved. Noopept is apt for people, who are on search for legal, effective and safe way and who wish to improve their working or studying capabilities.
  • Protection of Brain: Its antioxidant properties shield the brain cells. The cells re-grow properly and only few actually die. It has neuro-protective properties. The properties help to relieve the oxidative stress. It reverses damage in patients, who are suffering from cognitive issues. Few effects can be felt only after long-term use.
  • Right-Left Brain Communication: By improving communication between the left and right brain, verbal communication is improved. Due to this, people don’t feel tensed at social gatherings. Usually individuals are either right or left dominant. Noopept is responsible for integrating the functions and so individuals acquire benefits of both sides. This helps to develop old memories and abstract ideas. Creativity comes naturally and cognitive tasks seem easier now.
  • Memory and learning: The neurotransmitters stimulated with Noopept helps to enhance learning and memory capabilities. This is the reasons why the supplement is popular among students. While learning, it is easier to recall all the concepts.

People, who are suffering from short-term memory, find this highly useful since the levels of Acetylcholine are boosted. Users state that they feel more clarity while taking this supplement.